One of a disease that comes into life uncalled for is Parkinson's disease (PD). A person who might have been the star in a party, or someone who was known for their touches of humour sense - Parkinson's changes it all. It comes along with tremors and stiff expressions. But, it is not a life-threatening disease. It can be managed and improved through exercises and therapies. A social support circle enforces individuals with PD to be strong and optimistic towards life.
Role of Family in Parkinson's
Parkinson's is a type of a disease which would affect the individuals both mentally and physically. Even though the progression of the condition takes place slowly, there would be setbacks to certain activities. But, it is not something for which one should lose hope. Parkinson's opens doors to other possibilities where one can rediscover oneself.
When a person comes to know that they have Parkinson's, the only immediate support they turn to is FAMILY.
The close-knit group of loved ones who understand the feelings of others and render support during happy and hard times is Family. The unmeasurable support which this group provides, promises a safe and secure emotional quotient for the individuals with PD.
Spending time with the dear ones can make an individual feel happy and content. So, planning family activities is important. These are some of the activities one can do as a family:
Go on a Picnic - Slowing down would be very much needed for a person with Parkinson's. Take a moment to smell the flowers around. The family would have to learn to take a slow pace in certain activities. They may need to get used to stiff expressions. Even though people with Parkinson's would want to express many things, it may not be possible for them. A picnic is a great opportunity to understand one another better. And be sure to carry enough of food for the hungry hearts!
Teamwork in Daily Chores - PD individuals will face difficulty in doing daily tasks such as cleaning, cooking, washing and shopping. Family members can step in and assist in their everyday activities. Going on errands, taking them for medical check-ups, preparing meals and checking whether the medicines are taken on time. But, there should be at least certain things where they are given the freedom to do things by themselves.
Parkinson's support programs would have an array of activities and exercises for Parkinson's disease. It is a great way to keep the tremors at bay and reduce the progression of Parkinson's.
Game fun With Family - Playing games brings in enjoyment for those with Parkinson's. Sometimes, games could be challenging. It may require to socialize and make use of the memory. Stick to games which are easy to follow and have simple rules. Jigsaw puzzle, painting and playing musical instruments are some of the fun activities in which families can express their support.
Once the family starts doing various activities with their loved ones who have Parkinson's - they can find their favourite pastime. It is the most practical way to understand the problems and challenges faced by them while doing these activities with the family. It is important to make individuals with PD feel as normal as possible to reduce anxiety caused by the condition. Indulging in quality time with family would close the doors of anxiety and depression.