Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Training family members to cope up with Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder. Those who are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease have the advantage of medicines that can only help with management of symptoms as it is not yet a curable disease. Researching of PD is a continuing one resulting in newer treatments as scientists discover and learn more about PD, a complicated disease.

Caring by the family members is required in all diseases. But, PD is such a serious disease that requires a high degree of care by the family members of the PD patient.  It not only affects the entire family but also the extended community of friends and relatives. The family members or caring partner are familiar with the challenges associated with living with the disease. Their responsibilities include helping the patients with his/her daily routine, managing medications and making financial decisions.

The following is the advice for the care partner as part of training to cope with the PD.

It is equally important for taking care of yourself if you happen to be a care partner. It is as if you are dealing with the disease except for the biological pain the PD patient is suffering from. Taking care of oneself as a care partner can benefit the care partner as well as the PD patient. The benefits are revitalized energy and renewed interest in creative activities.

First, the caring partner should stay connected to a nearby support group whom the caring partner can ask questions, share experiences and advice. Neighbours can be immense help if only you let them know your problems. As you are in a care-giving role, it is important that you equally take of yourself.

As a caregiver in the status of a family member or otherwise, your state of mind and overall health must be taken care of as the PD patient is more dependent on you.  There can be moments of pride as well as frustrations depending on the response from the PD patient who may react as if you do not sufficiently take care of him/her. Hence, as a caregiver, you should train yourself emotionally not to be swayed by the emotions displayed by the PD patient.

Care giving is 24/7 job but at the same time, you have to cope with your own interests and activities. You must keep a record of the patient’s medications, doctor visits and symptoms from time to time.  This will help you to apprise the doctor when he visits next. Be aware of limitations on medical reimbursements by the insurance and plan your budget accordingly.